경동보일러 사용자메뉴얼 번역


경동보일러 사용자메뉴얼 번역에 대해서 알아 보겠습니다(영어-중국어 번역)

경동보일러 사용자메뉴얼 번역

경동보일러 사용자메뉴얼 번역(영어 원본)

Product description
These boilers are designed to provide the following services or operating modes:
Central Heating (CH):
The boiler provides hot water at the desired temperature for a heating installation connected to it. The temperature can be selected using the boiler’s integrated electronic control. Different types of ambient temperature control devices may also optionally be connected to the boiler (room thermostat, ambient temperature sensor, etc.), to enable it to control the temperature inside the home. Lastly, an outdoor temperature sensor (optional) may be connected to the boiler to control the comfort temperature of the installation in accordance with the weather conditions outside the home.
Domestic Hot Water (DHW)
The boiler provides hot water when a tap in the domestic water installation is turned on.
When the boiler is switched on, it automatically provides heating. When a hot tap is turned on, the boiler switches to DHW production mode. DHW production takes priority, and heating production is therefore disabled while it is activated.
There are three models of NAVIEN boiler, according to the power required:
2. Safety warnings
2.1. Safety symbols
All the safety indications in this manual are shown by a warning symbol, which differs depending on the nature of the indication. All the safety messages indicate a potential risk of breakdown or damage and it is therefore very important to carefully follow the instructions given, to prevent any risk of accident or damage to the appliance or to persons.
This symbol warns of operations or situations involving imminent danger and which could cause severe damage to persons or property if they are not avoided.
This symbol is for warnings that must be taken into account for correct use of the appliance and to prevent malfunctioning that could give rise to hazardous situations for the appliance itself and for persons.
This symbol warns of situations and actions that must be avoided for correct functioning and maintenance of the appliance.
This indicates particularly useful information and instructions.
2.2. Safety warnings
Read and carefully follow the safety warnings and alerts described below. If you should lose these instructions, contact the boiler installer or manufacturer immediately.
– DO NOT store combustible products such as oil, gas-oil or petrol near the appliance.
– DO NOT store easily flammable products (e.g. newspapers or cardboard) near the appliance or fume extraction system (flue).
– DO NOT store OR use aerosol sprays containing air, paint or any other substance near the fume extraction system or boiler while it is connected to the gas network.
– DO NOT store any materials near the boiler combustion gas outlet or air intake if they could obstruct it.
– DO NOT tamper with or light the boiler if its front cover is open. Switching on the boiler in these circumstances could give rise to combustion with a hazardous excess of carbon monoxide (CO), which could cause serious damage to persons or property and even death.
Keep flammable material and fuels away from the boiler.

– Ensure the installer shows you where the gas shut-off valve is located and shows you how to turn it off. Turn off this shut-off valve if you observe any signs of overheating, fire, gas leaks, damage to the appliance or any other sign of boiler malfunctioning. DO NOT turn on the shut-off valve again until it has been inspected by an Authorised Technical Assistance Service technician.
– Before switching on the boiler, ensure it is filled with water and that the gas supply is turned on.
– Make sure the cold water supply valve is open before switching on the boiler.
– DO NOT use the boiler for any purpose other than those described in this manual.
– DO NOT attempt to repair or replace any boiler parts yourself, unless it is specifically indicated in this manual. All maintenance and/or repair operations must be carried out by a Technical Assistance Service authorised by NAVIEN.
– Make sure you unplug the boiler from the electrical mains before opening the front cover.
– To prevent scalding, check the water temperature as you are using the boiler.
– DO NOT change the DHW temperature while someone is using the boiler.
– All accessories and spares used with the boiler must be those supplied by NAVIEN.
– DO NOT use the boiler if it shows signs of abnormal functioning.
– DO NOT allow children to use or tamper with the boiler.
2.3. EC Conformity Mark
NAVIEN, hereby declares that the boiler models:
NCN CE 21K (A), NCN CE 25K(A) , NCN CE 32K(A) , NCN CE 37K(A)
to which this declaration refers, conform to and comply with the essential requirements of the following applicable European Standards and Directives:
Gas appliances: Directive 2009/142/EC
Standards EN 483, EN 437, EN 625 and EN 677
Boiler Efficiency: Directives 92/42/EEC and 93/68/EEC
Standards EN 483
Low voltage: Directives 73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC
Standards EN 60335-1, EN 60335-2-30, EN 60335-2-51, EN 50165
Electro-magnetic Compatibility: Directive 2004/108/EC
Standards EN 55014
Pressure Vessels: Directive 97/23/EEC
NAVIEN, manufactures its products using a Quality Assurance system in compliance with Standard EN-ISO 9001:2000.
2.4. Start-up and adjustment
The installation must be made by a qualified authorised installer in compliance with applicable national regulations and standards and any other local regulations that may apply.
Start-up, adjustment, repair and any maintenance operations must only be carried out by an authorised TAS technician.
If the boiler is installed in a small compartment, DO NOT obstruct any of the air intakes or fume extraction ducts, and ensure sufficient space is left around the boiler for maintenance operations to be carried out and to ensure sufficient ventilation.
2.5. In case of emergency
Boiler malfunctioning may cause gas leaks and the risk of smelling gas, explosion and asphyxia due to carbon monoxide inhalation.
If you smell gas:
– DO NOT smoke.
– Avoid any flames or sparks.
– DO NOT turn any light switches or electrical appliances on or off.
– Open doors and windows.
– Turn off the main gas supply valve.
– Turn off all components of the heating system.
– Keep all persons away from the hazard area.
– Carefully follow the safety instructions indicated by the gas supplier and locate the gas meter.
– Notify the boiler installer of the incident, from outside the building or hazard area.
Fume extraction system
– FAILURE TO FOLLOW the fume extraction system installation instructions given in this manual can affect boiler operating safety. To prevent risk of fire, explosion or asphyxia due to carbon monoxide, never start-up the boiler unless you are sure there is sufficient outdoor ventilation in the premises on which it is installed.
– It is recommended for the fume extraction terminal and the air intake duct to be inspected yearly, to ensure correct combustion.
– Switch off the boiler immediately and DO NOT use it if you observe any damage, seals coming apart, cracks, corrosion or dents in any of the ventilation pipes, the flue and/or the air intake duct.
– Faulty installation of the boiler combustion gas removal and air intake system can cause a sudden increase in carbon monoxide emissions (CO). Inhaling carbon monoxide can cause severe brain damage or death. Carefully read and follow the installation instructions to this effect.
– Protect the boiler combustion gas outlet and air intake terminal against obstruction due to accumulation of snow, dirt, dead leaves, weeds, etc.
2.6. Modifications
The user must NOT modify or tamper with any of the following boiler installation aspects, under any circumstances:
– Any part of the inside of the boiler.
– The gas, water or electricity supply installation.
– The combustion gas removal system.
– The combustion air intake system.
– The boiler safety valve.
– Any installation safety devices.
No building alterations must be made near the boiler that could affect its operating safety or correct functioning.
DO NOT break or remove any sealing element of any component of the boiler. These components may only be handled by authorised personnel or official TAS technicians.
2.7. Water leaks
It is recommended to check regularly the installation water’s pressure, indicated on the control panel display. If recurrent pressure drops are observed, there may be a leak in the installation. In such cases, contact your nearest Official TAS.
If you observe any water leakage from any of the installation pipes between the boiler and the hot water taps, turn off the general cold water valve of the home and contact an installer to repair the leak as soon as possible.

경동보일러 사용자메뉴얼 번역(중국어 번역본)

集中供热 (CH):
家用热水 (DHW)
2. 安全警告
2.1. 安全标识
2.2. 安全警告
– 请勿将机油、汽油或石油等燃料产品存放在本设备的周围。
– 请勿将(报纸或硬纸板等)易燃物存放在本设备或除烟系统(烟道)的周围。
– 请勿将在除烟系统或锅炉接入燃气网时,在其周围存放或使用含有空气、涂料或任何其他物质的气溶胶喷雾。
– 请勿将任何可能造成堵塞的材料放在锅炉燃气出气口或空气进气口周围。
– 请勿将在前挡板敞开时操作或点燃锅炉。在这种情况下启动锅炉会导致燃烧产生过多的危险性一氧化碳(CO),并导致人员或财产损伤,甚至危及生命。
– 与安装单位确认燃气截止阀的位置及其关闭方式。如发现任何温度过高,失火,漏气,设备损伤或其他锅炉运行不当的现象,请关闭该截止阀。在经过授权的技术支持服务中心技术员检验过之前,请勿重新打开截止阀。
– 在启动锅炉之前,请确定锅炉内已注满水,且燃气源已打开。
– 在启动锅炉之前,请确定锅炉的冷水进水阀已经打开。
– 请勿将本锅炉用于本手册中规定适用范围以外的任何用途。
– 除本手册另行说明以外,请勿擅自维修或更换任何锅炉部件。应由NAVIEN的授权技术支持服务中心负责各项保养及/或维修操作。
– 在打开前挡板之前,应保证以将锅炉的电源断开。
– 为了避免烫伤,请在使用锅炉的过程中,随时检查水温。
– 请勿在有人使用锅炉时,改变DHW温度。
– 仅限使用NAVIEN提供的锅炉零配件。
– 请勿使用有运行不正常迹象的锅炉。
– 不得允许儿童使用或操作锅炉。
2.3. 欧盟EC认证合格标识
NAVIEN, 特此声明以下型号的锅炉:
NCN CE 21K (A), NCN CE 25K(A) , NCN CE 32K(A)及 NCN CE 37K(A)
燃气设备: 2009/142/EC欧盟指令
EN 483,EN 437,EN 625 和EN 677标准
锅炉效率: 92/42/EEC 及 93/68/EEC指令
EN 483标准
低压设备: 73/23/EEC 和 93/68/EEC指令
EN 60335-1,EN 60335-2-30,EN 60335-2-51和 EN 50165标准
电磁兼容性: 2004/108/EC指令
EN 55014标准
压力容器: 97/23/EEC指令。
NAVIEN采用已通过EN-ISO 9001:2000标准认证质量保证体系生产本品。
2.4. 开始运行与调整
2.5. 应急措施
– 请勿 抽烟。
– 避免任何明火或火花。
– 请勿开关任何照明灯开关或电器。
– 请打开门窗。
– 关闭燃气进气总阀。
– 关闭所有的采暖系统元件。
– 疏散所有人员远离危险区
– 严格遵守燃气供应商的安全说明指示并确定煤气表的位置。
– 在建筑物或危险区域以外通知锅炉安装单位发生事故。
– 不遵守本手册中的除烟系统安装说明会影响锅炉的操作安全。为了避免着火、爆炸或一氧化碳造成的晕厥,应在开始运行锅炉前,确定安装设施户外通风条件良好。
– 建议每年对烟道出口和进气管道进行严查以保证正确的燃烧。
– 如发现任何通风管道,烟道及/或进气通道受损、密封脱离、裂纹、被腐蚀或凹陷,应立即关闭锅炉,且不再使用。
– 锅炉燃气排气系统及空气进气系统安装不当可能造成一氧化碳(CO)排量迅速上升。吸入一氧化碳可能导致大脑受损或致死。请认真阅读并在安装过程中严格遵守说明以避免这种情况。
– 避免锅炉燃气出气口和空气进气口被积雪、尘土、落叶、杂草等物堵塞。
2.6. 改装
2.7. 漏水


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