모바일 하드웨어 번역


모바일 하드웨어 번역에 대해서 알아 보겠습니다(한영번역)


모바일 하드웨어 번역

모바일 하드웨어 번역(한국어 원본)

이 부분의 전개는 앞에서 설명한 use of tablet 을 explore함에 있어서 변수간의 관계를 바탕으로 보다 일반화된 structural construct를 제시하는 데 있다.
Study 1-2의 목적은 chapter 3에의 결과 중에서 독립변수 중에서 segment별로 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 확인되고 또한 dependent variable에 대하여 positive effect를 보여준 independent variables간의 structure 를 explore하는 것이다. Segment2에서는 relative advantage related contents와 compatibility, and company reputation 의 3변수가 dependent variable에 대하여 positive effect를 보여주었고, Segment 3에서는 Relative advantage related tablet display 와 image 두 변수가 dependent variable에 positive한 영향을 보여주었다. 이를 통해 다음과 같이 Two questions are addressed. (1) relative advantage related contents는 직접적으로 intention to use tablet for information on Internet에 positive effect를 주기도 하지만 중간에서 매개변수의 역할을 하는 variable이 존재하지 않을까? 그리고 그러한 construct가 통계적으로 유의할 까?, (2) relative advantage related tablet device와 compatibility역시 직접적으로 intention to use tablet for information on Internet에 positive effect를 주기도 하지만 중간에서 매개변수의 역할을 하는 변수와 construct는 없을 까? 이러한 research question은 managerial perspective에서 중요한 implication을 가질 수 있다. tablet device에서 구현하는 function이나 differentiation이 어떤 변수를 매개로 dependent variable에 유의한effect를 발휘할 수 있을지를 탐구하는 것이다. 특히나 tablet device와 같이 시장초기의 제품인 경우, 이러한 탐구와 분석은 device의 차별화 외에 추가적으로 company가 수립해야 할 전략수립의 방향성을 제시할 것으로 기대한다. device의 성공적인 market positioning을 위해서 product strategy의 방향성이 중요하고 각각의 product strategy별로 이와 상승 작용하는 기업의 방향성이 중요하다. 이 연구는 2가지의 방향성에 관하여 end user 가 제품에 대해서 가지는 perception을 기초로 접근한다.
research model은 7개의 factors를 포함하고, 각각의 factors는 multiple items으로 측정되었다.
모든 measurment item은 existing literature를 통해 구성되었으며, relative advantage를 content측면과 HW display 측면으로 나누는 분류 작업은 기존의 literature 를 통해 idea를 얻었다 (Laukkanen 2005; Tan, Chong et al. 2010). 실질적인 분류 작업은 전문가 pre-study를 통해서 이루어졌으며 pilot study를 통해서 검증하였다. 이를 통해 content validity를 ensure하였다 (Boudreau, Gefen et al. 2001). this analysis는 2단계 approach를 통해서 수행되었다 (Anderson and Gerbing 1988). 첫째는, measurement model을 구성하고 reliability 와 validity를 test하였다. 그리고 나서 structural model을 구성한 후 model fit을 확인한 후 가설을 test하였다.
가설은 study 1-1 연구의 implication을 바탕으로 하고 있으며 다음과 같이 제안하였다. Relative advantage related contents는 Image (H1)와 company reputation에 통계적으로 유의하고 positive한 영향을 미치고(H2), related advantage related display는 Image에 만 통계적으로 유의하고positive한 영향을 미친다(H3). Compatibility는 company reputation에 만 긍정적 영향을 미친다(H4). 그리고 image와 company reputation이 relative advantage와 compatibility를 매개하는 변수로 작용한다. company reputation은 Intention to use tablet for information (H6)와intention to use tablet for entertainment on Internet (H7) 에 모두 positive한 영향을 미치지만, Image는 intention to use tablet for entertainment에만 영향을 미친다(H5). 그리고 마지막으로, intention to use tablet for information은 intention to use tablet for entertainment에 통계적으로 유의한 positive한 영향을 미친다.
4.2 Methodology
이 연구는 structural equation modelling (AMOS 18.0)을 이용하여 수행하였다. chapter 3에서 설명한 바와 같이 variables의 reliability와 validity는 확보되었다.
4.3 Result
4.3.1 Measurement and structural model result
GFI, AGFI, NFI, TLI, CFI는 measurement model과 structural model 모두에서 recommend value를 충족하였고, SRMR, RMSEA와 같은 residual indices역시 모두 0.05이하를 보임으로써 기준선을 충족하였다. 따라서 model의overall 한 fit이 충족되었다.
4.3.2 Path coefficients
coefficients와 associated t values를 통해서 statistically significant함이 reveal되었고. H7을 제외한 모든 다른 가설이 supported되었다.
Relative advantage related contents (R_contents) and relative advantage related tablet display (R_display) have significant effects on Image. Between them, R_contents has the largest effect on image. (ß=.64)
이것은 end user가 tablet device를 이용함에 있어서 contents의 접근과 이용에 관한 relative advantage가 남들로부터 이용자가 technology savvy하고 innovative하게 보일 수 있다는 인식에 긍정적 영향을 줌을 의미한다. In addition, R_contents and compatibility have significant effect on company reputation. 이것은 tablet을 통한 contents의 이용이 상대적으로 my job을 enhance시키고, my job의 quality를 improve시키는 것으로 perceive할 수 록 해당 company reputation에 대한 기대가 높아짐을 의미한다. 또한 tablet을 사용하는 것이 나의 일의 모든 측면에, 나의 work style에 compatible하면 할수록 tablet device를 개발 제조한 회사의 competency, 회사의 honesty에 대한 기대가 높아진다는 것을 의미한다. image는 intention to use tablet에 미치는 영향에 있어서 Internet상에 있어서 entertainment를 목적으로 하는 intention to use tablet 에 유의한 영향을 미치며, company reputation은 intention to use tablet for information on Internet에는 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치지만, entertainment용도에 대해 tablet 을 사용하려는 의도에는 유의한 영향을 미치지 못한다.
마지막으로 intention to use tablet for information은 intention to use tablet for entertainment에 positive effect를 보인다.

모바일 하드웨어 번역(영어 번역본)

In this chapter, we suggest a more general structural construct based on the relationship between variables in exploring the use of tablet that was previously introduced.
The purpose of study 1-2 is to explore the structure between independent variables that proved to be statistically significant by each segment and showed positive effects toward dependent variables. Relative advantage related contents, compatibility, and company reputation in segment 2 and, relative advantage related tablet display and image in segment 3 showed positive effects toward dependent variables. There are two questions addressed through this. (1) Though relative advantage related contents have a direct positive effect toward intention to use tablet for information on the Internet, wouldn’t there be a variable that acts as a mediating variable in the middle? Also, would such construct be statistically significant? (2) Though relative advantage related tablet devices and compatibility have a direct positive effect towards intention to use tablet for information on the Internet, wouldn’t there be a construct and variable that acts as a medium? Such research questions may have an important implication in the managerial perspective. It is exploring what variable could act as a medium between the function or differentiation of the tablet device and dependent variable so that it has a significant effect on it. Especially, in the case of products that are at its early stage like tablet devices, we expect that such research and analysis will differentiate the device and also suggest a direction in establishing the company’s product strategy. For a successful market positioning of a device, the direction of the product strategy and the company’s direction that has a synergism with each product strategy are important. This study approaches the two directivities based on the end user perception towards a product.
The research model includes seven factors. Each factor was measured in multiple items.
All measurement items were organized through existing literature. The idea of classifying relative advantage into the content category and the HW display category was from the existing literature (Laukkanen 2005; Tan Chong et al. 2010). The actual classification was completed through a professional pre-study and verified through pilot study. Through this, content validity is ensured (Anderson and Gerbing 1988). Firstly, we constituted a measurement model and tested the reliability and validity. Then, we constructed a structural model, verified the model fit, and tested the hypothesis.
The hypothesis is based on the implication of study 1-1 and was suggested as the following. Relative advantage related contents are statistically significant and has a positive effect (H2) towards image (H1) and company reputation, while advantage related display is statistically significant and has a positive effect (H3) only towards the image. The compatibility only has a positive effect toward company reputation (H4). In addition, image and company reputation functions as a mediating variable between relative advantage and compatibility. While company reputation has a positive effect on both intention to use tablet for information (H6) and intention to use tablet for entertainment on the Internet (H7), image only has an effect on the intention to use tablet for entertainment (H5). Finally, the intention to use tablet for information has a statistically significant positive effect on the intention to use tablet for entertainment.
4.2 Methodology
This research was performed using structural equation modeling (AMOS 18.0). The reliability and validity of the variables were secured as explained in chapter 3.
4.3 Result
4.3.1 Measurement and structural model result
GFI, AGFI, NFI, TLI, CFI satisfies the recommended value of both the measurement model and the structural model. Residual indices like SRMR and RMSEA were both less than 0.05 and therefore satisfied the standard. Thus, the overall fit of the model was satisfied.
4.3.2 Path coefficients
The associated t values of the coefficients revealed the statistical significance and all hypotheses except for H7 were supported.
The relative advantage related contents (R_contents) and relative advantage related tablet display (R_display) have significant effects on the image. Between them, R_contents have the largest effect on the image. (ß=.64) This means that the relative advantage in accessing and using contents when the end user is using the tablet device has a positive effect on the perception that the user can look technology savvy and innovative to others. In addition, R_contents and compatibility have significant effects on the company reputation. This means that there is an increased expectation on the corresponding company’s reputation as the people perceive that by using the contents of the tablet, the user’s job will be enhanced and the quality of the job will be improved. In addition, the more the tablet is compatible with my work style, the higher the expectations are on the competency and honesty of the company that developed and manufactured the tablet device. Since the image has an influence on the intention to use a tablet, it has a significant effect on the intention to use a tablet for entertainment on the Internet. Though the company reputation has a statistically significant effect on the intention to use a tablet for information on the Internet, it does not have a significant effect on the intention to use it for entertainment.
Finally, intention to use a table for information has a positive effect on the intention to use a tablet for environment.


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