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업무협약서 번역

업무협약서 번역(한국어 원본)

본업무협약서는상호신뢰와믿음을바탕으로“A“의회사발전과서로의이익을극대화하는모토로하여2012. . 일 협의를 토대로 본 업무협약을 체결한다.
“A”와”B”는각자의업무영역을획기적으로늘리기를상호희망하여“A”는태국내영업을“B”는공사에필요한장비를지원과기술지원을함으로서서로의업무노하우를상호협력하여공동의이익을창출하고극대화 하는데, 본 협약의 목적이 있다.
제2조(“A”의 협조와의무)
1.”A”는 회사운영 전반을 경영하고 업무의 원할한 추진을 위하여 “B”와 협력한다.
2.”A”는 “B”와 협력하여 거래처 등록을 위해 적극 협력한다.
3.”A”는 “B”와 협력하여 회사 내부개선, 인증획득, 업무시스템, 기술 향상등에 적극협조한 다.
4.”A”은 영업을 담당하며 “B”는 “A”의 영업활동에 차질이 생기지 않도록 장비 지원을 한 다.
5.”A”는 정기적으로 사업계획서/영업계획안을 준비하여 이를 “B”와 상의후 이행한다.
제3조(“B”의 협조와 의무)
1.”B”는 “A”의 오너쉽의 영역을 존중하여 “A”중심으로 사업을 이행하도록 노력 한다.
2.”B”는 “A”와 협력하여 영업업무에 차질이 생기지 않도록 장비지원및 기술지원 을 충실히 이행한다.
3.”B”는 회사 조직의 일원으로 회사규칙을 준수하고 “A”와 업무를 항시 상의한다.
4.”B”는 회사의 기존 시설및 설비를 적극적으로 활용하고 개선및 보완등은 “A”와 상의하 여 진행한다.
제3조(이익분배 및 “B”의 대우)
1.”A”와“B”는전체영업매출액중기계의수리비및직원급여,간접비,영업비,등을제하고순이익금에서 “A”40% “B”60%으로 나눈다.
2.”A”는”B”가외국인신분이므로태국에서의업무를위한”B”의workpermit을업무협약시점으로부터 최대한 빨리 처리해준다.
3.”A”는 “B”의 직위를 회사내 조직의 일관성을 위하여 부사장 및 전무급으로 예우한다.
제4조(재산명시 및 공증의목적 )
1.“B”가소유한waterjetcleaning에관련한기계및부속등은“B”의소유임을분명히하기위해“B”의재산임을 누구나 알수 있도록 재산명시를 한다.
2. “A”는 “B”의 장비를 “B”와 상의 없이 임의 사용하거나 임대 매각 할수 없다.
제5조(업무협약의 파기)
1.“A”와“B”는서로의공동발전을위해협약했으나협약과다른문제가발생하거나서로를기망하는행위를 했을시 업무협약의 내용을 지속 할수 없으므로 언제든 업무협약 을 파기를 할수 있다.
2. 업무협약의 파기는 정당한 사유를 근거로 하여야 하며 “A”와“B” 누구나 파기할수 있 다.
3.협약파기후사업의진행이어려움으로“A”는“B”의소유인모든기계장비를“B”에게반납하여야하며 이에 이의를 제기 할수 없고 즉시 승낙 한다.
1.사업중구매한물품은업무협약중단시중단의요인을발생시킨쪽이상대에게손해및정신적보상의책임을 지고 소모품 일체를 포기한다.
※소모품:(별첨 sheet3,4,5,6,7과 같은기능의 hight pressure nozzle 일체,hight pressure hose 일체)
2.상호간업무협약을지속할수없을정도의문제발생시문제의정도를따져상대에게손해배상을요구할수 있으며 손해의배상은 사업지 관할 법원으로 한다.

업무협약서 번역(영어 번역본)

Memorandum of Understanding
This MOU shall be signed and entered into on MMDD, 2012 for the growth of company “A” and maximization of mutual interest based on mutual trust.
Article 1 (Purpose)
“A” and “B” hope to drastically expand their respective business areas. The purpose of this MOU is to share business know-how with each other, and create and maximize mutual interest by ensuring that “A” contributes its Thai business, and “B” provides the equipment and technical support necessary for the construction.
Article 2 (Cooperation and obligation of “A”)
1. “A” shall cooperate with “B” to manage overall business operations and carry out business efficiently.
2. “A” shall actively cooperate with “B” to register clients.
3. “A” shall cooperate with “B” to improve internal processes, obtain certifications, and improve business systems and skills.
4. “A” shall take charge of sales, and “B” shall provide equipment so that there is no problem with the sales activities of “A.”
5. “A” shall regularly prepare business plans/sales plans, and implement them after consultation with “B.”
Article 3 (Cooperation and obligation of “B”)
1. “B” shall respect the ownership of “A” and make effort to conduct business with focus on “A.”
2. “B” shall cooperate with “A” to faithfully provide equipment and technical support so that there is no problem with sales activities.
3. As a member of the corporate organization, “B” shall comply with the company rules, and always discuss business with “A.”
4. “B” shall actively utilize the existing facilities and equipment of the company, and shall consult with “A” before making improvements and taking supplementary measures.
Article 4 (Distribution of profits and treatment of “B”)
1. “A” and “B” shall divide the net profit obtained by subtracting the machine repair cost, employee wages, indirect costs and operating expenses from the total sales: 40% for “A” and 60% for “B.”
2. As “B” is a foreigner, “A” shall take care of the work permit of “B” for working in Thailand as soon as possible after the conclusion of this MOU.
3. “A” shall treat “B” as VP and executive director for organizational consistency in the company.
Article 5 (Purpose of disclosing and notarizing assets)
1. To clearly state that the machines and parts related to water jet cleaning owned by “B” belong to “B,” the assets of “B” shall be disclosed.
(“B” shall photograph all machines and equipment of “B” and attach the photographs to the MOU, and “A” shall confirm they are assets of “B” and affix its signature.)
2. “A” shall not use, rent or sell the equipment of “B” at its own discretion without consultation with “B.”
Article 6 (Termination of the MOU)
1. “A” and “B” signed and entered into this MOU for the sake of mutual prosperity, but if there are problems not covered by this MOU or either party deceives the other party, this MOU cannot be maintained. Accordingly, in such cases, both parties may terminate this MOU at any time.
2. The MOU must be terminated for valid reasons, and either “A” or “B” may terminate it.
3. As business cannot continue after the termination of this MOU, “A” shall return all the machines and equipment owned by “B” to “B,” and cannot raise any objection to it, and must immediately consent to it.
Article 7 (Compensation for damages)
1. The party which caused the suspension of this MOU shall be obligated to pay physical and mental damages to the other party for the articles purchased during business operations, and give up all consumables.
※ Consumables: (All high-pressure nozzles and hoses performing the functions mentioned in attachments #3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.)
2. If a problem occurs so serious that the two parties cannot maintain this MOU, they may assess the seriousness of the problem and ask the other party to compensate for damages, and the competent court with jurisdiction over this business shall oversee the compensation for damages.


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