헌법 민법 제정 번역


헌법 민법 제정 번역에 대해서 알아 보겠습니다(한영번역)


헌법 민법 제정 번역

헌법 민법 제정 번역(한국어 원본)

1. 해방후의 정치상황과 헌법제정
1945년 8월 15일 해방이 한국민에게 즉각적으로 독립을 주지는 않았다. 미・소 두 강대국은 한반도를 분할 점령하고 군정을 시행하였다. 한반도에 대한 두 나라의 포기할 수 없는 이해관계는 한국민의 독립과 통일을 근본적으로 국제적 문제로 만들었다. 미국은 한반도 남쪽에서 유일한 합법적 정부는 미군정청(US Army Military Government in Korea, USAMGIK)이라고 선언하고, 해방 직후 좌파가 선포한 조선인민공화국(Chosǒn People’s Republic)뿐만 아니라 한민족의 망명정부를 표방한 대한민국임시정부(Provisional Government of Republic of Korea)의 지위도 인정하지 않았다. 미군정(USAMGIK)은 무엇보다 법과 질서의 회복을 우선과제로 삼았다. 소수의 악명 높은 법령(치안유지법, 정치범처벌법 등)을 제외하고는 식민지시기의 법령들의 효력이 유지되었다. 군정청은, 조선총독부(The Chǒsun Government-General) 조직을 활용하여 정부기구가 재건하고, 우파의 협력을 받아 한국인들을 충원하고 행정․경찰․사법기구에 배치하였다. 미군청청의 한국인 부문은 나중에 남조선과도정부(South Korea Interim Government, SKIG)로 재조직되었다. 이러한 미군정의 정책 아래서 친일파로 비난받던 사람들, 특히 경찰 경력자들이 부활과 성공의 기회를 잡을 수 있었다.
1945년 12월 개최된 모스크바 삼상회의는 한반도에서의 국가 수립의 경로와 방법을 정하였다. 미소공동위원회(the US-USSR Joint Commission)의 지원을 받아 민주적인 임시정부(a provisional democratic government)를 수립하고, 그 임시정부와 미소공동위원회의 협의 아래 미국, 영국, 중국, 소련 4개국이 공동으로 5년 동안 신탁통치(5-year Trusteeship)를 실시한 후 완전한 독립국가로 이행한다는 것이었다. 여기에는 분단을 피할 수 있는 약간의 가능성이 담겨 있었다. 그러나 남한의 정치세력은 신탁통치안에 대한 반대와 찬성으로 분열하였다. 이승만(Rhee Syngman)과 김구(Kim gu)가 이끄는 임시정부와 우파는 즉각적인 독립을 원하는 민족주의 감정에 호소하며 대대적인 신탁통치 반대운동을 펼쳤다. 혼란스런 국내 국제 정세 속에서 신탁통치안은 표류하였고, 국제사회와의 협력을 통한 독립정부 수립을 지향한 중도파(centralists)를 비롯한 정치세력들의 입지는 좁아졌다.
1946년 3월 제1차 미소공동위원회가 결렬된 후 이승만 중심의 우파는 남한 단독정부수립을 주장하였다. 분단의 고착화를 우려한 중간파와 좌・우의 온건파가 중심이 된 좌우합작운동이 미군정의 지원과 후원 아래 전개되었고, 남조선과도입법의원(Korean Interim Legislative Assembly, KILA)이 구성되었다. 그러나 좌파가 참여하지 않은데다가, 입법의원(KILA)은 제도적으로도 불충분한 대표성을 가지고 군정장관(Military Governor) 및 군정청(USAMGIK)과의 관계에서 그 법적 지위가 불명확하였다. 입법의원은, 임시민주정부 수립을 전제하고 1947년 8월 우파와 중도파의 헌법 구상을 절충한 조선임시약헌(Chosǒn Temporary Summary Constitution)을 의결하였으나 군정장관은 이를 승인하지 않았다. 국제・국내 정세와 미국의 입장이 변하였기 때문이었다.
1947년 5월 서울에서 열린 제2차 미소공동위원회가 교착상태에 빠졌다. 북한에서는 소련군정이 끝나고 공산주의 정권의 수립이 준비되었다. 미국은 남한만의 단독정부를 수립하는 길로 들어서, 한반도 문제를 유엔에 넘겼다. 1947년 11월에 개최된 유엔총회는 인구 비례에 따른 남북한 총선거의 실시와 이를 감시할 유엔한국임시위원단(Temporary Commission on Korea, UNTCOK)의 구성을 결의하였다. 그러나 소련이 위원단의 입북을 거절하였기 때문에 1948년 2월 26일 유엔은 선거가 가능한 남한에서만 총선거를 실시하기로 결정하였다. 같은 해 5월 10일에 치러진 총선거에는 단독정부 수립에 반대한 한국독립당(Hankook Independence Party)과 중도파가 보이코트하고, 남한 좌파의 총공세로 일부 지역에서 선거가 실시되지 못하였다. 그러나 남・여 총유권자 중 96.4%가 선거인명부에 등록하고 그 중 95.5%가 투표에 참여하여, 북한지역을 위해 남겨둔 100석을 제외하고 총 200명의 의원들이 선출되었다.
5월 31일 개원한 국회는 다음 달 헌법기초위원회(Constitution Preparation Commission)를 구성하였다. 위원회는 주로 두 개의 헌법안을 토대로 헌법기초작업을 진행하였다. 기본안으로 삼은 것은, 유진오(Yu, Jin-oh)와 행정연구위원회(the Administration Research Committee Association)가 공동으로 1948년 5월에 작성한 헌법안이었다(이른바 합작안 Joint Draft Constitution). 여기에 참고안으로서 과도정부 사법부 차장(Deputy Director of the Department of Justice of SKIG) 권승렬(Kwon, Seung-ryul)이 사법부(judiciary) 관계자의 의견을 반영하여 작성한 헌법안이 있었다. 헌법기초위원회가 완성한 헌법안은 6월 23일 국회 본회의에 상정되었다. 본회의에서 활발한 논의 끝에 몇 가지 수정이 가해지고 7월 12일 헌법이 통과되었다. 7월 17일에는 국회의사당에서 헌법공포식이 거행되었다. 7월 20일에 국회에서 대통령과 부통령 선출이 이루어져, 초대 대통령에 이승만, 부통령에 이시영이 당선되었다. 이후 국민총리, 국회의장, 대법원장이 선임되고, 8월 15일 대한민국 정부의 수립이 선포되었다.

헌법 민법 제정 번역(영어 번역본)

1. Post-liberation political situation and enactment of the Constitution
Liberation on August 15, 1945년 did not give the Korean people independence right away. The two superpowers, i.e. the US and the Soviet Union, occupied the southern half and northen half of the Korean Peninsula respectively, and established military administration. The two countries’ interest in the Korean Peninsula fundamentally turned the independence and unification of the Korean people into an international issue. The US declared that the only legitimate government in the southern half of the Korean Peninsula is the US Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK), and did not recognize the position of Chosǒn People’s Republic, which the leftists declared immediately after liberation, or the Provisional Government of Republic of Korea which claimed to be the government in exile of the Korean people. USAMGIK gave top priority to the restoration of law and order. Except for a few notorious laws (the Maintenance of the Public Order Act, the Political Criminal Punishment Act, etc.), the laws of the colonial era were enforced. USAMGIK used the Chǒsun Government-General organization to reconstruct government agencies, and employed Koreans with the help of the right wing, and assigned them to the administrative organization, police agency and judiciary organization. Koreans working for USAMGIK were later reorganized as the South Korea Interim Government (SKIG). Under these policies of USAMGIK, those who were criticized as pro-Japan, in particular, ex-policemen could seize the opportunity for revival and success.
The Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, which was held in December 1945, determined how the state would be established in the Korean Peninsula. A provisional democratic governmen was established with the support of the US-USSR Joint Commission, and four countries, i.e. the US, the UK, China and the Soviet Union, would jointly carry out 5-year Trusteeship after discussion between the provisional government and the US-USSR Joint Commission, and the country would become a fully independent state. There was a slight possibility of avoiding division. However, the political power of South Korea were divided into those who were for and against the trusteeship. The provisional government and right wing led by Rhee Syngman and Kim gu appealed to the nationalistic sentiment wanting immediate independence, and started a large-scale movement against the trusteeship. The five-year trusteeship plan drifted amid the confusing domestic and international situation, and the political powers, including centralists, aiming to establish an independent government through cooperation with the international society, lost ground.
After the rupture of the first US-USSR Joint Commission in March 1946, the right wing with Rhee Syngman at the center insisted on the formation of a separate government in South Korea. The centralists and the moderate factions of the left and right wing, who were afraid that the division of the Korean Peninsula would become permanent started the Left- Right Coalition Movement under the support and sponsorship of the USAMGIK, and the Korean Interim Legislative Assembly (KILA) was formed. However, as the left wing did not participate, and KILA was not representative enough, its legal status was unclear in its relationship with the Military Governor and USAMGIK. Based on the premise that the provisional democratic government would be established, KILA voted for the Chosǒn Temporary Summary Constitution, which was a compromise between the Constitution of the right wing and the Constitution of the centralists, in August 1947, but the Military Governor did not approve it. The domestic situation and the position of the US changed.
The second US-USSR Joint Commission, held in May 1947, came to a standstill. North Korea prepared to establish a Communist government after the military rule of the Soviet Union was over. The US already decided to establish a separate government in South Korea, and committed the Korean Peninsula issue to the United Nations. The UN General Assembly, held in November 1947, passed a resolution to hold a general election in both South and North Korea in proportion to populations and form the Temporary Commission on Korea (UNTCOK) that will supervise the general election. However, as the Soviet Union refused to allow UNTCOK to enter North Korea, the UN decided to hold the general election only in South Korea where an election was possible on February 26, 1948. In the general election held on May 10, 1948, the Hankook Independence Party and the centralists, who opposed to the establishment of a separate government, boycotted, and the left wing of South Korea made an all-out effort to successfully prevent the election from taking place in some regions. However, 96.4% of all male and female voters were registered on the pollbook, and 95.5% of them voted, and a total of 200 members of the National Assembly except the 100 left for North Korea.
The National Assembly, which was opened on May 31, formed the Constitution Preparation Commission the next day. The Commission drafted the Constitution based on two drafts. The basic draft was the Constitution drafted jointly by Yu, Jin-oh Yu, Jin-oh graduated from the College of Law, Keijo Imeprial University, and taught law at Bosong Vocational School, and served as a law professor at Kyungsung University and Korea University after liberation. He was a novelist, and a renowned constitutional scholar, and had been deeply involved in constitutional preparation since immediately after liberation. He was the Minister of the Office of Legislation in the first Administration.
and the Administration Research Committee Association The Administration Research Committee Association was organized by Shin Ik-hee to prepare the Constitution after returning to Korea in December 1945. It consists of those who passed the Higher Civil-servant Examination in December 1945 during the colonial period. The Administration Research Committee Association prepared the Constitution draft secretly, and made the Hankook Constitutions in March 1946, which later became the model for the constitutional drafts of several right wings.
in May 1948 (so-called the Joint Draft Constitution). The draft, drawn up by the Deputy Director of the Department of Justice of SKIG Kwon, Seung-ryul as a reference draft, reflected the opinions of the judiciary. The draft prepared by the Constitution Preparation Commission was introduced to the plenary session of the National Assembly on June 23. A few amendments were made after heated discussion in the plenary session, and the Constitution was passed on July 12. On July 17, the Constitution was promulgated at the National Assembly Building. On July 20, the president and the vice-president were elected at the National Assembly. The first president was Rhee Syngman, and the first vice-president was Lee Shiyoung. Then, the prime minister, the Chairman of the National Assembly and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court were appointed, and on August 15 the establishment of the Government of the Republic of Korea was declared.


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