컨설팅 계약 번역


컨설팅 계약 번역에 대해서 알아 보겠습니다(중국어-영어번역)


컨설팅 계약 번역

컨설팅 계약 번역(중국어 원본)

第一条 咨询的内容、形式和要求
1.1 项目名称:
1.2 项目位置:
1.3 项目用地:
1.4 项目简介:
1.5 咨询的内容
1.5.1 根据项目用地现状及既有的城市规划信息,由乙方进行相应的规划设计研究,形成供甲方决策和选择的咨询报告。
1.5.2 乙方应负责就项目的咨询报告向甲方的汇报交流工作。
1.5.3 乙方应负责就项目的咨询报告向与本项目相关的地方政府有关部门及各合作单位的介绍交流工作。
1.6 咨询的形式
1.6.1 咨询报告是对项目的分析、论证、评价、调查和预测的报告或意见,以规划设计研究和分析评价报告的形式提交,应对甲方有相应的参考价值。
1.6.2 上述咨询报告提交的形式和数量要求
1.6.3 乙方提交的咨询报告应契合甲方对于项目的初步设想及后续要求,且取得甲方的书面确认。
1.7 咨询的要求
1.7.1 乙方提供的设计咨询工作应符合国际先进并适用的规范和专业要求的同时,亦需符合中国及项目所在地法律法规规定及设计、施工等技术要求和规范。
第二条 履行期限、地点和方式
2.1 乙方应于 年____月____日前提交本协议第一条约定的咨询报告。
2.2 本合同的履行地点为 。
2.3 本协议的履行方式约定为由乙方向甲方提交符合本协议要求的咨询报告,且通过甲方的书面确认。
第三条 设计咨询团队
3.1 乙方派出由经验丰富、专业水平高的人员组成工作组,经甲方确认后,负责提供本协议约定之设计咨询服务。
3.2 乙方为本项目配备的主要乙方人员如下(经甲方确认的本项目工作组的人员名单及简历见本协议附件):
A. 项目经理(项目总协调人):
B. 项目建筑设计负责人:
C. ___________________________________________
3.3 双方约定,在各阶段咨询工作中,双方认定的上述乙方人员不得随意变动。乙方若有合理理由需要变动乙方人员,必须书面通知甲方,并征得甲方书面同意后方可进行人员更换;甲方若有合理理由需要变动乙方人员,必须书面告知乙方,经与乙方协商后进行人员更换。乙方应尽力保证人员更换后的工作交接流畅,工作思路得到有效传递。本协议履行期间,乙方需保证其设计咨询团队的全体成员有充足的时间和精力来完成本项目。
3.4 双方约定,在各阶段节点性工作汇报会议中,乙方必须有项目经理及主要设计师参加,乙方不得随意变动。乙方若有合理理由需要变动汇报人员,必须书面通知甲方,并征得甲方书面同意后方可更换。对于临时、非正式方案汇报及设计方案交流工作会议,乙方应指派相应人员积极配合。
第四条 甲方的协作事项
4.1 在本协议生效后____个工作日内,甲方负责向乙方进行任务交底,同时提供与之关联的诸项文件资料。
4.2 甲方提供给乙方的技术资料和数据有明显错误和缺陷的,应及时修改和完善。
4.3 甲方应为乙方的设计咨询工作提供必要的配合、协作和支持。

컨설팅 계약 번역(영어 번역본)

1 Consulting content, format and requests
1.1 Project title:
1.2 Project location:
1.3 Project land use:
1.4 Project introduction:
1.5 Consulting content
1.5.1 According to the project land use status and current city planning information, Party B shall submit planning design report to Party A.
1.5.2 Party B shall be responsible for the project report and communication to Party A.
1.5.3 Party B shall be in charge of the communication and introduction of the project with the relevant local government departments and associate companies.
1.6 Consulting format
1.6.1 Consulting report shall be included the analysis, argumentations, evaluations, investigations, and predictions. It shall be submitted as a format of planning design study and analysis evaluation. It shall contain the consultation value for Party A.
1.6.2 The format and quantity requirement for the consulting report mentioned above:
1.6.3 The report from Party B shall fit the early idea and later requirements of Party A, and requires written approval by Party A.
1.7 Consulting requirement
1.7.1 Design consulting from Party B shall meet the international advanced applicable regulations and professional requirements; meanwhile, it shall meet Chinese national and local laws, technical requirements and regulations for the implementation of the project including design and the construction.
1.7.2 ___________________________________________________
1.7.3 ___________________________________________________
2 Implementation period, location and method
2.1 Party B shall submit the consulting report, which is agreed in Part 1 of this agreement, on___(Month) ____(Day), ____(Year).
2.2 The location for implementation of this agreement is ___________________.
2.3 As for the method of implementation of this agreement, Party B shall submit the consulting report that meets the requirements of this agreement to Party A after acquiring written approval by Party A.
3 Design Consulting Team
3.1 Party B shall send a work team of experienced professional staffs. After confirmed by Party A, this team shall provide the design consulting service of this agreement.
3.2 The main staffs for this project are listed as follows (the list of staffs and their resumes confirmed by Party A are attached in the appendix of this agreement).
A. Project manager (Project main coordinator)
B. Project construction designer
C. ___________________________________________
3.3 Both parties agree that during consulting process, the above staffs confirmed by both parties shall not change arbitrarily. When Party B needs to change its staffs with reasonable justification, it shall give a written notice to Party A and can change staffs after written agreement from Party A. When Party A needs to change its staff with reasonable justification, it shall give a written notice to Party B, and can change its staff after discussion with Party B. Party B shall make sure to connect the work and transfer the work idea well after the staff change. During this agreement implementation period, Party B shall make sure its design consulting team has enough time and energy to finish the project.
3.4 Both parties agree that project manager and main designer from Party B shall attend each node meeting and Party B cannot change the staffs arbitrarily. When Party B has reasons to change the report staffs, it shall give a written notice to Party A and can change after acquiring written agreement from Party A. Party B shall appoint relevant staffs for collaboration on the temporary, informal proposal report and design communication meeting.
4 Party A’s collaborative items
4.1 Within ____ business days after this agreement activation, Party A shall transfer the task to Party B and provide relevant documents and data of this project.
4.2 Party A shall correct and complete the technical information and data that has obvious error and defect.
4.3 Party A shall provide necessary coordination and cooperation and support to the design consulting work of Part B.


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